About saklikent

Do something different a day if you are overwhelmed by the heat. The sun's rays enter a canyon too narrow for him to fit through and high, walking in the icy water. Go to Saklıkent.

Antalya, Kemer, Fethiye-Antalya can be reached by road from the town of Kemer in the direction of. After the junction, 13 km from TLOs, then 21 km (bath). Right on Country Club, left on Hidden Canyon Road and you will see numerous. Pancakes-buttermilk are served. You're going to kayadibi village and past the entrance of the canyon. You leave your car at the entrance.

Seydikemer Antalya is located on the border of the canyon, in the full sense of the word, a nature tourism destination. The canyon thousands of years ago, with geological cracking to occur is estimated. The canyon is approximately 18 km length, average height varies between 200 and 600 meters. By narrowing the range of 2 meters at some points the rock to see the sky from here is almost impossible.

Saklikent Canyon you first, with a great flowing Esen sarilti meets. Iron gushing from under the rocks to the pier laid foot on the wooden stairs will take you to the Immaculate source. Canyon was founded upon the waters effervescent and the region of them with the hairs laid out sit on the couch with your feet in the icy water serinletirk, pancakes and salmon you can eat. If you want paradise you can meet in the canyon hidden by scrolling. Peace and excitement at the same time you can do rafting in the waters of this precious place in his life.



About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
About saklikent
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